[J77] Jinbo Xiong, Mingfeng Zhao, M. Bhuiyan, Lei Chen, Youliang Tian*, An AI-Enabled Three-Party Game Framework for Guaranteed Data privacy in Mobile Edge Crowdsensing of IoT, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2021,17(2):922-933. DOI:10.1109/TII.2019.2957130. (SCI, IF=10.215, ESI Highly Cited Paper)
[J76] Jinbo Xiong, Lei Chen, Alam Bhuiyan, Chunjie Cao*, Minshen Wang, Entao Luo, Ximeng Liu, A Secure Data Deletion Scheme for IoT Devices Through Key Derivation Encryption and Data Analysis, Future Generation Computer Systems, 2020,111:741-753. DOI:10.1016/j.future.2019.10.017. (SCI,IF=6.125)
[J75] Jinbo Xiong, Rong Ma, Lei Chen, Youliang Tian*, Qi Li, Ximeng Liu, Zhiqiang Yao, A Personalized Privacy Protection Framework for Mobile Crowdsensing in IIoT, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2020,16(6):4231-4241, DOI:10.1109/TII.2019.2948068. (SCI,IF=9.112)
[J74] Cheng Liu, Youliang Tian*, Jinbo Xiong, Yanhua Lu, Qiuxian Li, Changgen Peng, Towards Attack and Defense Views to k-Anonymous Using Information Theory Approach, IEEE Access, 2019,7:156025-156032, DOI:10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2947233. (SCI,IF=4.098)
[J73] Jinbo Xiong, Xiuhua Chen, Qing Yang*, Lei Chen, Zhiqiang Yao, A Task-Oriented User Selection Incentive Mechanism in Edge-Aided Mobile Crowdsensing, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2020, 7(4):2347-2360. DOI:10.1109/TNSE.2019.2940958. (SCI,IF=5.213)
[C25] Rong Ma, Lei Chen, Jinbo Xiong*, Youliang Tian, Qi Li, Ximeng Liu, A Personalized Privacy Protection Data Uploading Scheme for Mobile Crowdsensing, in proc. of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Internet (ICII 2019), 11-12 Nov., Orlando, FL, USA. 2019, 227-232. DOI:10.1109/ICII.2019.00048.
[C24] Qi Chen, Sihai Tang, Jacob Hochstetler, Jingda Guo, Yuan Li, Jinbo Xiong, Qing Yang*, Song Fu, Low-Latency High-Level Data Sharing for Connected and Autonomous Vehicular Networks, in proc. of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Internet (ICII 2019), 11-12 Nov., Orlando, FL, USA. 2019, 287-296. DOI:10.1109/ICII.2019.00055.
[J72] 刘慧,毕仁万,熊金波*,赵明烽,金彪,林劼,移动群智感知中基于雾节点协作的感知用户身份隐私保护,网络与信息安全学报,2019,5(6):75-84.
[J71] Jinbo Xiong, Yuanyuan Zhang*, Shaohua Tang, Ximeng Liu, Zhiqiang Yao, Secure Encrypted Data with Authorized Deduplication in Cloud, IEEE Access,2019,7:75090-75104, DOI:10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2920998. (SCI, IF=4.098)
[J70] Qi Li*, Hongbo Zhu, Jinbo Xiong, Ruo Mo, Zuobin Ying, Huaqun Wang, Fine-Grained Multi-Authority Access Aontrol in IoT-Enabled MHealth, Annals of Telecommunications, 2019,74(7-8):389-400. DOI:10.1007/s12243-018-00702-6. (SCI IF=1.552)
[C23] Yuanyuan Zhang, Shaohua Tang*, Jinbo Xiong, Xin'an Wei, A Crowdsensing-Based Auxiliary Monitoring with Privacy-Preserving Applied to Traffic Violation, in proc. of the 5th International Symposium on Privacy Computing (PriCom 2019), Canterbury, UK, 2019.
[J69] Fangfang Shan, Hui Li, Fenghua Li*, Yunchuan Guo, Jinbo Xiong, An Attribute-Based Assured Deletion Scheme in Cloud Computing, International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering (IJITWE), 2019, 14(2):74-91.
[P2] Li Lin, Peng Li, Jinbo Xiong, Mingwei Lin, Distributed and Application-Aware Task Scheduling in Edge-Clouds, https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.04362, 2019.
[J68] 林立,熊金波*,肖如良,林铭炜,陈秀华,Gaming@Edge:基于边缘节点的低延迟云游戏系统,计算机应用,2019,39(7):2001-2007.
[J67] 陈秀华,刘慧,熊金波*,马蓉,移动群智感知中面向任务需求的用户选择激励机制,计算机应用,2019,39(8):2310-2317.
[J66] Jinbo Xiong, Jun Ren, Lei Chen, Zhiqiang Yao*, Mingwei Lin, Dapeng Wu, Ben Niu, Enhancing Privacy and Availability for Data Clustering in Intelligent Electrical Service of IoT, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019,6(2):1530-1540, DOI:10.1109/JIOT.2018.2842773. (SCI, IF=9.515, ESI Highly Cited Paper )
[J65] Jinbo Xiong, Yuanyuan Zhang, Xuan Li, Mingwei Lin, Zhiqiang Yao*, Guangjun Liu, RSE-PoW: A Role Symmetric Encryption PoW Scheme with Authorized Deduplication for Multimedia Data, Mobile Networks and Applications, 2018, 23(3):650-663. DOI: 10.1007/s11036-017-0975-x. (SCI, IF=3.259, ESI Highly Cited Paper)
[J64] Jinbo Xiong, Rong Ma, Lei Chen, Youliang Tian*, Li Lin, Biao Jin, Achieving Incentive, Security, and Scalable Privacy Protection in Mobile Crowdsensing Services, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2018, DOI: 10.1155/2018/8959635. (SCI, IF=0.869, CCF C)
[J63] Ayong Ye*, Jianfei Shao, Li Xu, Jianwei Chen, Jinbo Xiong, A Local HMM for Indoor Positioning Based on Fingerprinting and Displacement Ranging, IET Communications, 2018, 12(10):1163-1170. DOI:10.1049/iet-com.2017.1055. (SCI, IF=1.061)
[J62] Biao Jin, Dongshuo Jiang, Jinbo Xiong*, Lei Chen, Qi Li, D2D Data Privacy Protection Mechanism Based on Reliability and Homomorphic Encryption, IEEE Access, 2018, 6(1):51140-51150, DOI:10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2869575. (SCI, IF=3.557)
[C22] Minshen Wang, Jinbo Xiong*, Rong Ma, Biao Jin, Qi Li, A Novel Data Secure Deletion Scheme for Mobile Device, in proc. of the 27th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2018), Hangzhou, China, 2018, 1-8. (CCF C)
[J61] 熊金波,王敏燊,田有亮,马蓉,姚志强*,林铭炜.面向云数据的隐私度量研究进展,软件学报,2018,29(7):1963-1980.
[J60] 熊金波,张媛媛,田有亮*,应作斌,李琦,马蓉,基于角色对称加密的云数据安全去重,通信学报,2018,39(5):59-73.
[J59] 熊金波,马蓉,牛犇*,郭云川,林立,移动群智感知中基于用户联盟匹配的隐私保护激励机制,计算机研究与发展,2018,55(7):1359-1370.
[J58] 王敏燊,熊金波*,林倩,王丽丽,基于密钥分发和密文抽样的云数据确定性删除方案,计算机应用,2018,38(1):194-200.
[J57] 马蓉,冯盛源,熊金波*,金彪,王丽丽,基于安全博弈模型的隐私保护方法,武汉大学学报(理学版),2018,64(2):165-174.
[J56] 李琦*,朱洪波,熊金波,莫若,mHealth中可追踪多授权机构基于属性的访问控制方案,通信学报,2018,39(6):1-10.
[J55] 马蓉,陈秀华,刘慧,熊金波,移动群智感知中用户隐私度量与隐私保护研究,信息网络安全,2018,18(8):64-72.
[C21] Li Lin, Xiaofei Liao, Peng Li, Hai Jin, Jinbo Xiong, Distributed and Application-Aware Task Scheduling in Edge-Clouds, in proc. of the International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks (MSN 2018), Shenyang, China, 2018.
[J54] Jinbo Xiong, Xiuhua Chen, Youliang Tian*, Rong Ma, Lei Chen, Zhiqiang Yao, MAIM: A Novel Incentive Mechanism Based on Multi-Attribute User Selection in Mobile Crowdsensing, IEEE Access, 2018, 6(1):65384-65396. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2878761. (SCI, IF=3.557)
[J53] Xuan Li, Jin Li, Siuming Yiu, Chongzhi Gao, Jinbo Xiong, Privacy-Preserving Edge-Assisted Image Retrieval and Classification in IoT, Frontiers of Computer Science, 2019,13(5):1136-1147. (SCI, IF=1.129)
[J52] Jinbo Xiong, Yuanyuan Zhang, Li Lin*, Jian Shen, Xuan Li, Mingwei Lin, ms-PoSW: A Multi-Server Aided Proof of Shared Ownership Scheme for Secure Deduplication in Cloud, Concurrency Computat: Pract Exper, 2020, 32(3):e4252, DOI:10.1002/cpe.4252 (SCI, IF=1.167, ESI Highly Cited Paper)
[J51] Mingwei Lin, Riqing Chen*, Jinbo Xiong, Xuan Li, Zhiqiang Yao, Efficient Sequential Data Migration Scheme Considering Dying Data for HDD/SSD Hybrid Storage Systems, IEEE Access, 2017, 23366-23373, DOI:10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2766667. (SCI, IF=3.244)
[J50] 熊金波,李素萍,张媛媛,李璇,叶阿勇,姚志强*,共享所有权证明:协作云数据安全去重新方法,通信学报,2017,38(7):18-27.
[C20] Rong Ma, Jinbo Xiong*, Mingwei Lin, Zhiqiang Yao, Hui Lin, Ayong Ye, Privacy Protection-Oriented Mobile Crowdsensing Analysis Based on Game Theory, in proc. of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom), Sydney, Australia, 2017, 990-995. (CCF C)
[C19] Yuanyuan Zhang, Jinbo Xiong*, Mingwei Lin, Lili Wang, Xuan Li, Achieving Proof of Shared Ownership for the Shared File in Collaborative Cloud Applications, in proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Security (IEEE ICCCS), Nanjing, China, 2017, 262-274.
[C18] Huibing Wang, Mingwei Lin*, Jinbo Xiong, Li Lin, Zheyu Chen, Workload-Aware Page-Level Flash Translation Layer for NAND Flash-Based Storage Systems, in proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Security (IEEE ICCCS), Nanjing, China, 2017, 576-588.
[C17] Yuanyuan Zhang, Jinbo Xiong*, Jun Ren, Lili Wang, Mingwei Lin, A Novel Role Symmetric Encryption Algorithm for Authorized Deduplication in Cloud, in proc. of the 10th EAI International Conference on Mobile Multimedia Communications (EAI MOBIMEDIA), Chongqing, China, 2017, 104-110.
[C16] Huibing Wang, Jinbo Xiong, Zhiqiang Yao*, Mingwei Lin, Jun Ren, Research Survey on Support Vector Machine, in proc. of the 10th EAI International Conference on Mobile Multimedia Communications (EAI MOBIMEDIA), Chongqing, China, 2017, 95-103.
[C15] Jun Ren, Jinbo Xiong, Zhiqiang Yao*, Rong Ma, Mingwei Lin, DPLK-means: A Novel Differential Privacy K-Means Mechanism, in proc. of the 2017 IEEE Second International Conference on Data Science in Cyberspace (IEEE DSC), Shenzhen, China, 2017, 133-139.
[J49] 熊金波*,马蓉,张媛媛,戴睿煜,面向社交网络的图片信息隐藏方法与实现,信息网络安全,2017(3):6-13.
[J48] 任君,熊金波,姚志强*,基于差分隐私模型的云数据副本安全控制方案,网络与信息安全学报,2017, 3(5):38-46.
[J47] Qi Li, Jianfeng Ma, Rui Li, Jinbo Xiong, Danwei Chen, Secure, Efficient and Revocable Multi-Authority Access Control System in Cloud Storage, Computers & Security, 2016, 59(6):45-59.
[J46] 张涛,马建峰,习宁,刘西蒙,熊金波,面向服务移动社交网络中基于信任的分布式服务组合方法,电子学报,2016,44(2):258-267.
[J45] Mingwei Lin, Zhiqiang Yao, Jinbo Xiong, History-Aware Page Replacement Algorithm for NAND Flash-Based Consumer Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 2016, 62(1):23-29.
[J44] 沈薇薇, 熊金波, 黄阳群, 姚志强, 面向手机短信的隐私保护方案设计, 计算机系统应用, 2016, 25(4):118-122.
[J43] 沈薇薇, 熊金波, 黄阳群, 姚志强, 基于生命周期控制的电子文件安全删除方案, 小型微型计算机系统, 2016, 37(5):1091-1096.
[J42] Mang Su, Fenghua Li, Guozhen Shi, Kui Geng, Jinbo Xiong. A User-Centric Data Secure Creation Scheme in Cloud Computing. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2016, 25(4):753-760.
[J41] 李凤华, 王彦超, 殷丽华, 谢绒娜, 熊金波, 面向网络空间的访问控制模型, 通信学报, 2016, 37(5):9-20.
[J40] 熊金波, 李凤华, 王彦超, 马建峰, 姚志强, 基于密码学的云数据确定性删除研究进展, 通信学报, 2016, 37(8):167-184.
[J39] 王栋, 熊金波, 张晓颖, 面向云数据安全自毁的分布式哈希表网络节点信任评估机制, 计算机应用, 2016, 36(10):2715-2722.
[C14] Yuanyuan Zhang, Jinbo Xiong, Xuan Li, Biao Jin, Suping Li, Xu An Wang, A Multi-Replica Associated Deleting Scheme in Cloud, in proc. of the 10th International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems (IEEE CISIS), Fukuoka, Japan, 2016, 444-448.
[C13] Cui Zhang, Jinbo Xiong, Qiong Wu, An Efficient CGA Algorithm Against DoS Attack on Duplicate Address Detection Process, in proc. of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops (IEEE WCNC), Doha, Qatar, 2016, 471-476.
[J38] 熊金波, 张媛媛, 李凤华, 李素萍, 任君, 姚志强, 云环境中数据安全去重研究进展, 通信学报,2016,37(11):169-180.
[J37] Jinbo Xiong, Suping Li, Xuan Li, Yuanyuan Zhang, Biao Jin, A Secure Access and Associate Deleting Scheme for Multi-Replica in Multi-cloud Environment, International Journal of High Performance Systems Architecture, 2016, 6(3):143-152.
[C12] Jun Ren, Zhiqiang Yao, Jinbo Xiong, Yuanyuan Zhang, Ayong Ye, A Secure Data Deduplication Scheme Based on Differential Privacy, in proc. of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (IEEE ICPADS), Wuhan, China, 2016, 1241-1246. (CCF C)
[J36] 吴莎莎,熊金波,叶帼华,姚志强, 移动互联网环境下基于假位置的位置隐私保护研究, 信息网络安全,2016,(10):54-59.
[J35] Qi Li, Jianfeng Ma, Rui Li, Jinbo Xiong, Ximeng Liu, Large Universe Decentralized Key-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption, Security and Communication Networks, 2015, 8(3): 501-509.
[J34] Ximeng Liu, Hui Zhu, Jianfeng Ma, Qi Li, Jinbo Xiong, Attribute Based Multi-Signature Scheme for Wireless Communications, Mobile Information Systems, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/827320.
[J33] 沈薇薇,姚志强,熊金波,刘西蒙, 面向移动终端的隐私数据安全存储及自毁方案, 计算机应用, 2015, 35(1):77-82.
[J32] 戴素芬,姚志强,熊金波,沈薇薇, 基于身份加密的OOXML文档安全自毁方案, 福建师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 31(1):40-47.
[J31] Qi Li, Jianfeng Ma, Rui Li, Jinbo Xiong, Ximeng Liu, Provably Secure Unbounded Multi-Authority Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption, Security and Communication Networks, 2015, 8(18): 4098-4109.
[J30] Jinbo Xiong, Fenghua Li, Jianfeng Ma, Ximeng Liu, Zhiqiang Yao, Patrick S. Chen, A Full Lifecycle Privacy Protection Scheme for Sensitive Data in Cloud Computing, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 2015, 8(6): 1025-1037.
[J29] 单芳芳,李凤华,谢绒娜,熊金波,王彦超,面向多维数字媒体的访问控制机制,通信学报,2015,36(11):52-60.
[P1] Fenghua Li, Yanchao Wang, Rongna Xie, Jinbo Xiong, A Novel Cyberspace-Oriented Access Control Model, Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2015.
[C11] Yanchao Wang, Fenghua Li, Jinbo Xiong, Ben Niu, Fangfang Shan, Achieving Lightweight and Secure Access Control in Multi-Authority Cloud, in proc. of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom), Helsinki, Finland, 2015, 459-466. (Best Paper Award)
[J28] 夏亚洲,姚志强,熊金波,云环境下组合电子健康记录访问控制框架,计算机系统应用,2015,24(2):35-40.
[J27] 熊金波,沈薇薇,黄阳群,姚志强,云环境下的数据多副本安全共享与关联删除方案,通信学报,2015,36(Z1):136-140.
[J26] 熊金波,姚志强,马建峰,李凤华,刘西蒙, 面向网络内容隐私的基于身份加密的安全自毁方案, 计算机学报, 2014, 37(1): 139-150.
[J25] 熊金波,姚志强,马建峰,刘西蒙,马骏, 云计算环境中组合文档模型及其访问控制方案, 西安交通大学学报, 2014, 48(2): 25-31
[J24] 熊金波,姚志强,马建峰,李凤华,刘西蒙,李琦, 基于属性加密的组合文档安全自毁方案, 电子学报, 2014, 42(2): 366-376.
[J23] Ximeng Liu, Jianfeng Ma, Jinbo Xiong, Guangjun Liu, Ciphertext-Policy Hierarchical Attribute-Based Encryption for Fine-Grained Access Control of Encryption Data, International Journal of Network Security (IJNS), 2014, 16(4): 351-357.
[J22] Ximeng Liu, Jianfeng Ma, JinboXiong, Qi Li, Tao Zhang, Hui Zhu, Threshold Attribute Based Encryption with Attribute Hierarchy for Lattices in the Standard Model, IET information security, 2014, 8(4): 217-223.
[J21] 李琦,马建峰,熊金波,刘西蒙,马骏, 一种素数阶群上构造的自适应安全的多授权机构CP-ABE方案, 电子学报, 2014, 42(4): 696-702.
[J20] Jinbo Xiong, Zhiqiang Yao, Jianfeng Ma, Ximeng Liu, Qi Li, Jun Ma, PRIAM: Privacy Preserving Identity and Access Management Scheme in Cloud, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 2014, 8(1): 282-304.
[C10] Tao Zhang, Jianfeng Ma, Ning Xi, Ximeng Liu, Zhiquan Liu, Jinbo Xiong, Trustworthy Service Composition in Service-Oriented Mobile Social Networks, in proc. of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Web Services (IEEE ICWS), Alaska, USA, 2014, 684-687.
[J19] 姚志强,熊金波,马建峰,李琦,刘西蒙, 云计算中一种安全的电子文档自毁方案, 计算机研究与发展, 2014, 51(7):1-7.
[J18] 林坚,熊金波,姚志强,刘西蒙, 可追踪身份的基于属性的多重签名方案, 福建师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 30(3): 34-42.
[J17] 黄发良,熊金波,黄添强,刘西蒙, 基于粗糙集的微博用户性别识别, 计算机应用, 2014, 34(8): 2209-2211.
[J16] 李琦,马建峰,熊金波,张涛,刘西蒙, 云中基于常数级密文属性基加密的访问控制机制, 吉林大学学报(工学版), 2014, 44(3): 788-794.
[J15] 刘西蒙,马建峰,熊金波,贺拓,李琦, 云计算环境下基于属性的可净化签名方案, 电子与信息学报, 2014, 36(7): 1749-1754.
[J14] Guangjun Liu, Ximeng Liu, Jinbo Xiong, A Lightweight Secure Network Coding Scheme Against Wiretapping, Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, 2014, 19(2): 156-160.
[J13] Ximeng Liu, Hui Zhu, Jianfeng Ma, Qi Li, Jinbo Xiong, Efficient Attribute Based Sequential Aggregate Signature for Wireless Sensor Networks, International Journal of Sensor Networks (IJSNet), 2014, 16(3): 172-184.
[J12] Jinbo Xiong, Ximeng Liu, Zhiqiang Yao, Jianfeng Ma, Qi Li, Kui Geng, Patrick S. Chen, A Secure Data Self-Destructing Scheme in Cloud Computing, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2014, 2(4): 448-458.
[J11] 熊金波,姚志强,马建峰,李凤华,李琦, 基于行为的结构化文档多级访问控制, 计算机研究与发展, 2013, 50(7):1399-1408. (2013年《计算机研究与发展》高被引论文TOP10)
[J10] 熊金波,姚志强,金彪, 云计算环境中结构化文档形式化建模, 计算机应用, 2013, 33 (05): 1267-1270.
[C9] Jinbo Xiong, Zhiqiang Yao, Jianfeng Ma, Ximeng Liu, Qi Li, A Secure Document Self-Destruction Scheme: An ABE Approach, in proc. of the 15th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (IEEE HPCC), Hangzhou, China, 2013, 59-64.
[C8] Jinbo Xiong, Zhiqiang Yao, Jianfeng Ma, Ximeng Liu, Qi Li, Tao Zhang, PRAM: Privacy Preserving Access Management Scheme in Cloud Services, in proc. of the International Workshop on Security in Cloud Computing (ACM ASIACCS-SCC), Hangzhou, China, 2013, 41-46.
[C7] Jinbo Xiong, Zhiqiang Yao, Jianfeng Ma, Ximeng Liu, Qi Li, A Secure Document Self-Destruction Scheme with Identity Based Encryption, in proc. of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (IEEE INCoS), Xian, China, 2013, 239-243.
[C6] Jinbo Xiong, Zhiqiang Yao, Jun Ma, Ximeng Liu, Qi Li, Structured Document Model and Its Secure Access Control in Cloud Computing, in proc. of the 2013 International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data (CloudCom-Asia), Fuzhou, China, 2013, 592-596.
[J9] 姚志强,熊金波,马建峰,李琦, 以社区域为中心基于信任的访问控制, 通信学报, 2013, 34(9): 1-9.
[J8] Zhiqiang Yao, Jinbo Xiong, Jianfeng Ma, Qi Li, Ximeng Liu, Access Control Requirements for Structured Document in Cloud Computing, International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing (IJGUC), 2013, 4(2/3): 95-102.
[J7] 刘西蒙,马建峰,熊金波,李琦,张涛, 密文策略的权重属性基加密方案, 西安交通大学学报, 2013, 47(8): 44-48.
[C5] Ximeng Liu, Jianfeng Ma, Qi Li, Jinbo Xiong, Faliang Huang. Attribute Based Multi-Signature Scheme in the Standard Model, in proc. of the 9th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (IEEE CIS), Leshan, China, 2013, 738-742.
[C4] Ximeng Liu, Jianfeng Ma, Jinbo Xiong, Tao Zhang, Qi Li, Personal Health Records Integrity Verification Using Attribute Based Proxy Signature in Cloud Computing, in proc. of the 6th International Conference on Internet and Distributed Computing Systems (IDCS 2013), Hangzhou, China, Springer LNCS 8223, 2013: 238-251.
[C3] Ximeng Liu, Jianfeng Ma, Jinbo Xiong, Qi Li, Jun Ma, Ciphertext-Policy Weighted Attribute Based Encryption for Fine-Grained Access Control, in proc. of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (IEEE INCoS), Xian, China, 2013, 51-57.
[C2] Qi Li, Jianfeng Ma, Jinbo Xiong, Tao Zhang, Ximeng Liu, Fully Secure Decentralized Key-Policy Attribute-based Encryption, in proc. of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (IEEE INCoS), Xian, China, 2013, 220-225.
[J6] 刘西蒙,马建峰,熊金波,马骏,李琦, 基于属性的可净化签名方案, 通信学报,2013,(Z1):148-155.
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